


foreign citizen, right to property, agricultural land, real estate


The research topic in the first part of the paper is the regulation on foreign ownership of agricultural land in XIX and XX century, while the second part focuses on analysing foreign ownership regulation in XXI century. The paper aims to provide an overview of the rights of foreign citizens to acquire real estate,with an emphasis on their right to acquire agricultural land in the Republic of Serbia through a methodological-theoretical framework. The legislation which has regulated the said legal concept in our region in different ways throughout history will be viewed through the prism of history by using the historical method. The current regulations which regulate the said subject matter in the Republic of Serbia will be analysed by the normative method, in addition to the use of content analysis that will complete this research through the systematic anlysis of literature. The conclusion will sum up the results of the research which point to the fact that even though in certain periods foreign citizens were entitled to acquire agricultural land, their right was never complete as it implied meeting certain requirements. 


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How to Cite

Krstinić, D., Vasiljković, J., & Langović Milićević, A. (2020). REGULATION ON FOREIGN OWNERSHIP OF AGRICULTURAL LAND IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 67(2), 553–567.