
  • Boris Kuzman, PhD Market and marketing of agricultural and food products, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad
  • Aleksandra Teši?, PhD Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, University Business Academy, Novi Sad
  • Anastazija Tanja ?eli?, PhD Ministry of Finances, Belgrade


CEFTA, WTO, Serbia, Trade, EU Competitiveness.


The priority aim of the Republic of Serbia in the framework of "CEFTA", in addition to striving to become a member of the WTO should be the aspiration to full membership in the European Union. Accession to the WTO countries is, in effect, to give up a degree of national sovereignty. Benefits of harmonizing the legal framework for the country which are CEFTA signatories mainly depend on their business - export structure and the degree of liberalization of regulations in key sectors compatible with WTO provisions. It envisions the transformation of customs duties and non-tariff protection measures through the so-called tariffication - calculating the average ratio of selective domestic and international (import) prices of agricultural products during the reference period. To survive in conditions of excessive global supply of agricultural products moderate zone, which is based on the high direct and indirect care, Serbia should conduct an active policy of subsidizing domestic agricultural production, exports and imports to protect domestic production in accordance with the terms and conditions of the world market, WTO and the European Union in the framework of CEFTA.


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How to Cite

Kuzman, B., Tešić, A., & Đelić, A. T. (2013). POSSIBLE ROUTES OF APPROACHING OF SERBIA (AGRO INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX) TO THE EU AND THE WTO. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 60(3), 541–549. Retrieved from https://www.ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/446

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